Or at least, every last one that I know.
Over the years, I’ve amassed quite a collection of these. Yesterday, I was helping out a colleague determine what a particular value meant and referenced a spreadsheet that I’ve been maintaining for my own purposes.
And now, for your viewing pleasure, I’m sharing it with the world:
This is the “big bucket” broad-level recipient type. If you were looking at zoological taxonomy, you might call this the genus.
Object Display Type | Value (Decimal) |
MailboxUser | 0 |
DistributionGroup | 1 |
PublicFolder | 2 |
DynamicDistributionGroup | 3 |
Organization | 4 |
PrivateDistributionList | 5 |
RemoteMailUser | 6 |
ConferenceRoomMailbox | 7 |
EquipmentMailbox | 8 |
ArbitrationMailbox | 10 |
MailboxPlan | 11 |
LinkedUser | 12 |
RoomList | 15 |
SyncedMailboxUser | -2147483642 |
SyncedUDGasUDG | -2147483391 |
SyncedUDGasContact | -2147483386 |
SyncedPublicFolder | -2147483130 |
SyncedDynamicDistributionGroup | -2147482874 |
SyncedRemoteMailUser | -2147482106 |
SyncedConferenceRoomMailbox | -2147481850 |
SyncedEquipmentMailbox | -2147481594 |
SyncedUSGasUDG | -2147481343 |
SyncedUSGasContact | -2147481338 |
ACLableSyncedMailboxUser | -1073741818 |
ACLableSyncedRemoteMailUser | -1073740282 |
ACLableSyncedUSGasContact | -1073739514 |
SyncedUSGasUSG | -1073739511 |
SecurityDistributionGroup | 1043741833 |
SyncedUSGasUSG | 1073739511 |
ACLableSyncedUSGasContact | 1073739514 |
RBAC Role Group | 1073741824 |
ACLableMailboxUser | 1073741824 |
ACLableRemoteMailUser | 1073741830 |
This is the detail (hence, the attribute name) level of the object.
Object Type | Value (Decimal) |
None | 0 |
UserMailbox | 1 |
LinkedMailbox | 2 |
SharedMailbox | 4 |
LegacyMailbox | 8 |
RoomMailbox | 16 |
EquipmentMailbox | 32 |
MailContact | 64 |
MailUser | 128 |
MailUniversalDistributionGroup | 256 |
MailNonUniversalGroup | 512 |
MailUniversalSecurityGroup | 1024 |
DynamicDistributionGroup | 2048 |
PublicFolder | 4096 |
SystemAttendantMailbox | 8192 |
SystemMailbox | 16384 |
MailForestContact | 32768 |
User | 65536 |
Contact | 131072 |
UniversalDistributionGroup | 262144 |
UniversalSecurityGroup | 524288 |
NonUniversalGroup | 1048576 |
Disable User | 2097152 |
MicrosoftExchange | 4194304 |
ArbitrationMailbox | 8388608 |
MailboxPlan | 16777216 |
LinkedUser | 33554432 |
RoomList | 268435456 |
DiscoveryMailbox | 536870912 |
RoleGroup | 1073741824 |
RemoteUserMailbox | 2147483648 |
Computer | 4294967296 |
RemoteRoomMailbox | 8589934592 |
RemoteEquipmentMailbox | 17179869184 |
RemoteSharedMailbox | 34359738368 |
PublicFolderMailbox | 68719476736 |
Team Mailbox | 137438953472 |
RemoteTeamMailbox | 274877906944 |
MonitoringMailbox | 549755813888 |
GroupMailbox | 1099511627776 |
LinkedRoomMailbox | 2199023255552 |
AuditLogMailbox | 4398046511104 |
RemoteGroupMailbox | 8796093022208 |
SchedulingMailbox | 17592186044416 |
GuestMailUser | 35184372088832 |
AuxAuditLogMailbox | 70368744177664 |
SupervisoryReviewPolicyMailbox | 140737488355328 |
Finally, we have the remote recipient type, which tells you more about how the object’s origination.
Object Type | Value (Decimal) |
ProvisionedMailbox (Cloud MBX) | 1 |
ProvisionedArchive (Cloud Archive) | 2 |
ProvisionedMailbox, ProvisionedArchive (Cloud MBX & Cloud Archive) | 3 |
Migrated | 4 |
Migrated, ProvisionedArchive (Migrated MBX & Cloud Archive) | 6 |
DeprovisionMailbox | 8 |
DeprovisionArchive | 16 |
DeprovisionArchive, Migrated | 20 |
RoomMailbox | 32 |
Migrated, RoomMailbox | 36 |
EquipmentMailbox | 64 |
Migrated, EquipmentMailbox | 68 |
SharedMailbox | 96 |
Migrated, SharedMailbox | 100 |
That’s all! Nothing special, except 7 years of accumulating data that will hopefully be useful to someone else. 🙂
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